Liberty Mutual Hosts a "Military to Business" Panel in Boston


Liberty Mutual hosted a "Military to Business" panel at their corporate headquarters in Boston earlier this month. Experienced hiring managers discussed what they look for in candidates from their résumés through the interviewing process, and as a key part of their teams. Many of the panelists were prior service members and discussed their transitions from the military to the private sector as well.


Liberty Mutual panelists from left to right: Peter Caminiti (ACP Mentor), Deb Telford (Navy), 
Mark Hartman (OIF/OEF veteran) and Shane Crockett (Navy)

panel members
Liberty Mutual panelists from left to right: Peter Caminiti (ACP Mentor), Deb Telford (Navy), 
Mark Hartman (OIF/OEF veteran) and Shane Crockett (Navy)


Attendees  listening to panel discussion


3 men talking   two women talking