General Mills Hosts Networking Event and Panel Discussion on Career Development


On Wednesday, April 23rd approximately seventy ACP Protégés and Mentors gathered at General Mills Headquarters in Minneapolis for a networking event and panel discussion on career development. Jeff Harmening, General Mills Chief Operating Officer, kicked off the event and discussed ways to ease the transition from the military to the civilian world. Brad Gregory, General Mills Network Planner, moderated a panel that featured Jennifer Peterson, General Mills Senior Recruiting Manager; Levi Severson, General Mills Assistant Sourcing Manager; Darrell Gilmore, Cargill Enterprise Process Manage; and Amy Lyng, Cargill Strategic Recruiting Manager.

Following the panel discussion, Protégé attendees had the opportunity to receive personalized feedback on their résumés. Participants also had the opportunity to network with fellow Mentors and Protégés over light refreshments. 

ACP would like to extend a special thanks to Jeff MaroneMark Martin, and Laurissa Webster for organizing this spectacular event.

people sitting at round tables and talkingman and woman sitting at round table talking