ACP Presents: From Base to Space, Purpose Driven Careers with ASRC Federal

On September 21st, ACP was joined by ASRC Federal for a LinkedIn Live highlighting various career opportunities with the company. ASRC Federal provides innovative solutions for U.S. government defense and civilian agencies, that support critical missions from space exploration to cyber defense to public health. ASRC Federal’s capabilities include IT modernization, software applications and analytics, engineering solutions, critical infrastructure and base operations, and professional services. Their 8,000 dedicated employees provide innovative solutions for more than 30 U.S. federal defense and civilian agencies. 

ASRC Federal values the character and skills of the Veterans and Spouses of our armed forces and shared their mission to provide meaningful careers and guidance to those who have served our country. The virtual event featured a panel of ASRC Federal team members who have served across multiple military branches. They shared their career paths, success stories, and ways ASRC Federal has impacted their lives after service. The panelists represented a variety of markets, backgrounds, and experiences transitioning to civilian life.  This is all to say, "Heroes have a home at ASRC Federal."

The event concluded with a live Q&A session with the virtual audience.