ACP Presents: Remote Work at US Department of Veterans Affairs

On September 19th, ACP was joined by the Department of Veteran Affairs for an inside look at remote work. The session featured ACP Senior Vice President Jana Toner, Tracey Therit, Chief Human Capital Officer, Russ Peal, Director of Workforce Recruitment & Retention Service (U.S. Air Force Veteran), Dr. Andreé Sutton, Director of Operations (Veteran & Military Spouse Talent Engagement Program, (US Air Force Veteran), Maurice Sloan (VBA), and Shari Brown-Smith (VBA).

Each panelist provided insightful feedback on hiring processes, certifications, and the information required to be a strong candidate. They also dedicated the panel to helping military spouses get their foot in the door and achieve career growth. The event concluded with a live Q&A session with the virtual audience.