ACP Presents: Empowering Service Members in Tech with Red Hat

On October 12th, ACP was joined by The Red Hat team for an inside look at how to become a competitive candidate. Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open-source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, hybrid cloud, edge, and Kubernetes technologies. Red Hat continues to be a catalyst in open-source communities, helping build flexible and powerful IT infrastructure solutions. Their culture is built on the open-source principles of transparency, collaboration, and inclusion. Red Hat’s Military Veterans community empowers the voices of Veterans and their allies to amplify their contributions and opportunities by harnessing their leadership and experience.

The webinar featured two Red Hat panelists: U.S. Army Veteran Scott Hamilton, Application Platform Specialist at Red Hat, and U.S. Navy Veteran Jean Ross, Professional Development Manager. They focused on the interviewing and hiring process, transition timelines, and qualifications to look out for. The event concluded with a live Q&A session with the virtual audience.