Top 10 Ways a Mentor Can Help With a Transition

American Corporate Partners


American Corporate Partners (ACP) offers post 9/11 service members one-on-one mentorships with corporate professionals. The service members in our program have diverse backgrounds and life experiences, but what they all have in common is that they have a mentor to assist with their transition.

Here are the top 10 ways that a mentor can help with your transition:

1. When your military service ends, you may not realize all of your options. A mentor can help you explore career paths and introduce ideas that you may not have considered before.

2. In business, it's all about who you know. Mentors are great at building your network, which can lead to new and exciting opportunities in the corporate world.

3. A mentor can work with you to "civilianize" your resume. You'll need to translate military jargon and acronyms into terms that civilians and hiring managers can understand.

4. Your military experience is an asset, but that's not always easy to explain. A mentor can find the right way to highlight your experience during an interview.

5. For the first time in years, the majority of your co-workers and managers will be civilians. The civilian perspective that a mentor provides can help you relate to your colleagues.

6. You need to learn the language of corporate America. A mentor can bridge the gap between your military experience and the business world.

7. The chain of command in corporate America can be confusing, but a mentor can help you navigate it.

8. A mentor has been there and done that! You can learn from their successes and avoid their pitfalls.

9. Are you working a 9 to 5 job or are you always on call? Discussing a healthy work-life balance is essential to leading a successful career.

10. Contemplating going back to school? A mentor can advise you about the degrees or certifications that will take your career to the next level!

To learn more about ACP or how you can get involved in our mentoring program, click here or e-mail us at